Innovation and the research of original drug molecules have been key elements in the Company’s strategy since its foundation in 1901. With more than 1,200 employees in the field of research and development Richter today is the most significant pharmaceutical research base in the Central and Eastern European region
The Richter Group spent EUR 154 million on research and development in 2020, which amounts to 9.5 per cent of its consolidated sales revenue.

Drug research and development entails four strategic directions: recombinant biotechnological activities, research and development of new chemical entities, late stage women’s healthcare projects and generic products. 

Over the years, Gedeon Richter Romania, through its Product Development department, with a team of 75 specialists, has managed to substantially contribute to the development of Richter's global product portfolio. As a result of the development activity, a series of medicines with unique formulas launched as first-generics in Romania, marketed both on the local market and abroad, are standing as a testimony. All these achievements have given our subsidiary an important position as a medicines developer for the entire concern, the pharmaceutical development being carried out in laboratories equipped with modern technologies in an optimal operational flow.