The UK employee green survey 2022 highlighted that our employees were curious to find out more about green principles, committed to start changing old habits, to be more environmentally conscious, and to make greener choices every day however large or small the impact.

UK Carbon Reduction Plan:

  • Gedeon Richter (UK) Ltd is committed to achieving Net Zero emissions by 2050 – please review our 2024 Carbon Reduction Plan.

Lifestyle changes:

  • Utilise a carbon footprint calculator which gives tips to reduce carbon emissions at home and at work
  • Inspire staff to make greener and more sustainable choices in their work and home environment
  • ‘Fit for work’ scheme – support to encourage staff to focus on exercise and mindfulness for a healthy body and mind
  • Encouraging use of public transport and cycling to work for all employees where possible
  • Using a balance of virtual and ‘in person’ communications 
  • Sharing plant-based recipes

Internal activities:

  • Monthly employee engagement: virtual calls with a green agenda for educating, sharing tips and best practice
  • Office refurbishment undertaken – installing low voltage and motion sensor lighting, water efficient taps and toilets, office recycling of all waste – paper, glass, plastic, composting
  • Rewilding where possible in our gardens
  • Community activities to support the green agenda including beach and litter clean ups
  • Aspiration to go paperless and use digital technology as much as possible

External corporate activities:

  • Reducing waste to landfill where technology allows
  • Use of QR code to access online educational resource hub for Healthcare Professionals
  • Increasing the number of resources in a digital format to reduce paper use. This includes information for patients and Healthcare Professionals