The Board of Directors of Gedeon Richter Plc. has proposed to the Annual General Meeting of 2024 the election of Mr. Dale André Martin as a member of the Supervisory Board and Audit Board.
Dale André Martin

Economist, graduate of the Vienna University of Economics and Business. He is fluent in German, English and Hungarian as well as proficient in Mandarin and French.

He began his career at AWT, a subsidiary of Creditanstalt (now UniCredit), in Vienna in 1984, continuing as Deputy General Manager of AWT Services in Hong Kong. In 1991 he joined Siemens as CFO of the company’s Hungarian telecommunications business. From 1995 he was CFO of Siemens Rt. and in 1997 he was simultaneously given the same position in the Siemens-owned company, Magyar Kábel Művek Rt. From 2000 he was seconded as CFO to Siemens’ international subsidiaries in Japan and Slovakia.

In 2010 he returned to Hungary and served as President & CEO of Siemens Zrt. until 2021. During that time, he also served as President of the German-Hungarian Chamber of Industry and Commerce (DUIHK), on the board of the Hungarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (MKIK), and as member of the Hungarian National Competitiveness Council.

He has received several Austrian, German and Hungarian state awards for his contribution to innovation, education and international economic cooperation and is currently the elected President of EELISA (European Engineering Learning Innovation and Science Alliance), an alliance of ten universities from eight European countries. 

In assessing the conflict of interest and independence of Dale André Martin, Gedeon Richter Plc. took into account the provisions of the Statutes of the company, the provisions of the Hungarian legislation in force (primarily the Civil Code) and the European Commission’s non-binding recommendation 2005/162/EC. On the basis of these provisions, Mr. Dale André Martin is considered by Richter Gedeon Plc. as an independent candidate.