May 24th is World Schizophrenia Day. On this occasion, we have gathered some intriguing information about the disease: schizophrenia is a complex neuropsychiatric disorder that affects approximately one in a hundred people worldwide, which translates to about 80 million patients globally. In popular culture—and often in Hollywood movies—the disease is frequently confused with dissociative identity disorder, where a person has "multiple personalities", but this is not what schizophrenia means. It involves a disruption in the harmony of emotional, perceptual thinking, and behavioral functions, meaning, in simple terms, that patients often see, hear, or experience things that are not real. With modern medications and supportive therapies, schizophrenia is now quite manageable, giving patients a chance for an active, fulfilling life.

Schizophrenia imposes significant physical, social, and mental burdens not only on the patients but also on their families: five to six out of ten relatives struggle to keep their jobs, and the financial situation of nearly every second affected person significantly worsens. Our publication, the "Candid Book", is available online from Richter Gedeon Plc. and is specifically designed for relatives and caregivers of patients struggling with schizophrenia, providing a range of practical advice to help them navigate the issues. One of Richter's focus areas is the treatment of psychiatric disorders, so we are continuously working to improve patients' quality of life with safe and effective medications, and to provide reliable information to both patients and their helpers and relatives through a dedicated website.

We are proud that a drug developed by our experts for the treatment of schizophrenia is now available in most EU member states and has won the Drug of the Year award in Hungary. In April 2024, at the large-scale psychiatric conference (EPA) held in Budapest, the authors also presented the "Candid Book," which has been translated into 10 languages so far. Additionally, a transdiagnostic tool developed by Richter Gedeon experts was introduced, which serves to quantify and visualize the symptom severity and functional disability of patients suffering from various psychiatric disorders.